How to make Dehydrated Gummy Snacks from the extra SCOBYs from your SCOBY HOTEL.

In doing a little research on eating SCOBY I found a few recipes for SCOBY Gummies which all called for refined white sugar. So, I had this idea to make some Gummies with Maple Syrup, Honey and Coconut Crystals with my extra JUN SCOBYs. I happen to have an abundance of JUN SCOBYs in my SCOBY Hotel.
What is a SCOBY you ask??? the word SCOBY is an Acronym for;
Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast
What is a SCOBY you ask??? the word SCOBY is an Acronym for;
Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast
It is the thing that people sometimes refer to as
the "Mother" or "Mushroom" - it actually isn't a mushroom at all.
There are actually a few kinds of SCOBY cultures, there is ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar), JUN which is brewed with Green Tea and Honey only, and then the most popular Kombucha SCOBY which is brewed with Black Tea and conventional Sugar. All of these are fermented cultures that are made with the intention of helping with Gut Flora, and keeping the bacteria in check in your body.

So, I brew/ferment both JUN and Kombucha Tea, and always have extra SCOBYs on hand, some of which I raise in a nursery to sell to other fermenters on Etsy if you want to start your own culture:
Click here to Buy your very own SCOBY from Fermentation101
Back to this post - the Gummy Snacks.
What you need:
2 large thick JUN SCOBYs
1/3 Cup Raw Honey
1/3 Cup Organic Grade "B" Maple Syrup
1/2 tsp of Ground Ginger
1/2 tsp of Ground Nutmeg
1/2 tsp of Ground Cinnamon
a Sharp Stainless Steel or Ceramic knife
a GLASS bowl this is very important because the acid from the SCOBY can have a chemical reaction to certain plastics and some metals.
a Dehydrator
a silicone mat
First Use a really sharp knife to cut your SCOBY into 3/4" cubes, and put them in your GLASS bowl.
Then add the Honey and the Maple Syrup
Add your Cinnamon, Nutmeg, and Ginger and stir it up really well.
Cover it tightly with Plastic Wrap, sit on the counter at room temperature to marinate overnight. After 24 hours of marinating you can place the sweetened SCOBY cubes on the silicone mat.
Then put them right in your Dehydrator on the "Living Foods" setting. This is very important because you don't want to kill the beneficial bacteria in the SCOBY. Basically not over 104 degrees. If you don't have a Dehydrator - you can use you oven - but be careful not to over heat them.
Dehydrate for about 8 hours - or until these are the consistency you like.
This was about 10 hours
Some people like them rolled in sugar crystals so they don't stick together, you can also use Coconut crystals for this as well.
Store in an air tight container, and eat em up!!!