Today I was at the market, I'm always looking to
see if there is anything new or weird to try to ferment. I saw baby kiwis - what are those??? Baby cucumbers - got to try those, and lastly baby peppers, which made me remember these little stuffed red peppers I had when I was in Switzerland, last year and thought "maybe I can make them myself."
So, here's what I did:
- I cut all the placenta and seeds out of some sweet little baby
peppers. I sliced and stuck a spicy hot Fresno pepper at the bottom of the jar so that I can tell the
difference of the varieties. My hope is to get that sweetness from the
honey ferment and the peppers, but also infuse the other peppers with a
little spice form the Fresno.

Then, I put the peppers with the holes facing up so the honey can get inside all the cavities.
Lastly, I added honey, covered with an Air lock lid, and let sit on the counter for about a week or two.
The other two containers of ferments are really simple as well. The one on the right is just baby kiwis in honey, and the one on the left is sliced up cucumbers in a salt brine with spices, and about 2 table spoons of Sauer Kraut I made in October, just to get the fermentation started.
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