Thursday, September 9, 2010

2010 Maryland State Fair

I named my farm (teensie urban garden) in the Spring - the plan was to enter stuff at the fair this year.
Well, I just went to pick up my ribbons on Tuesday. I won 5!

2nd place Red Ribbon  - Pickling Cucumbers over 4"

It was the first time I ever entered anything in the fair. I actually got a Blue Ribbon for my Hot sauce. It is really HOT!

1st place Blue Ribbon - Hot Sauce
2nd place Red Ribbon - Pickled Wax Beans
3rd place White Ribbon  - Strawberry Rhubarb Conserves

2nd place Ribbon - Vegetable oddity (carrot)

It was not my intention to even put this in - but I figured I had it - and look at that I won! woo hoo!

 Now I am saving seeds and getting ready for next year.

Check back for more Pics - the Lake Walker Block Party is this weekend.

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